Assisted Living Care

Assisted Living

Our assisted living community offers a variety of services to help better support the individual needs of each resident. Dedicated staff members are trained to assist whenever a need arises.

We can assist with:
Transportation Services
Health and Wellness Programs
Recreational and Social Activities
Medication Administration
Communication with Healthcare Professionals

Included in our facility are trained, professional, friendly, and caring staff members. They are trained monthly in dementia care, medication management and emergency procedures. They all speak fluent english and maintain a current CPR and First Aid certificate. Each employee is carefully screened and undergoes both a criminal and drug background check.

Sacramento Elderly Care understands the importance of communication. Our dedicated staff will contact family members weekly with updates and feedback regarding residents’ care.

Contact Us

If you have a loved one who is unable to continue to care for themselves and needs assistance, then you likely know that finding the best assisted living facility can be a challenge.
Give us a call at Sacramento Elderly Care today to learn more about the possibility of finding a facility here.

We have an excellent staff, and they are all trained in helping your loved one with absolute best care they need.

Included in our facility are trained, professional, friendly, and caring staff members. They are trained monthly in dementia care, medication management and emergency procedures. They all speak fluent english and maintain a current CPR and First Aid certificate. Each employee is carefully screened and undergoes both a criminal and drug background check.

Sacramento Elderly Care understands the importance of communication. Our dedicated staff will contact family members weekly with updates and feedback regarding residents’ care.

Contact Us

If you have a loved one who is unable to continue to care for themselves and needs assistance, then you likely know that finding the best assisted living facility can be a challenge.

Give us a call at Sacramento Elderly Care today to learn more about the possibility of finding a facility here.

We have an excellent staff, and they are all trained in helping your loved one with absolute best care they need.

Assisted Living

Our assisted living community offers a variety of services to help better support the individual needs of each resident. Dedicated staff members are trained to assist whenever a need arises.

We can assist with:
Transportation Services
Health and Wellness Programs
Recreational and Social Activities
Medication Administration
Communication with Healthcare Professionals

Get in touch

Contact Us

Thank you for your interest in our senior care service. If you have any question, we encourage you to schedule an appointment or phone consultation with one of our staffs or visit our office. We are pleased to offer all types of services the needs of your family.


57 Farallon Cir. Sacramento, Ca, 95821


(916) 417 7382